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Emotional Trauma From a Dog Attack

 Posted on September 08, 2016 in Personal Injury

Lombard dog bite lawyerPeople are victims of dog attacks more often than you think. Each day, about 1,000 Americans, require emergency care treatment for dog bite injuries. Many of these victims are children. The emotional trauma that results from a scary event can be long lasting and can manifest in different ways. An incident that seems like a harmless event to a young child could result in long-lasting issues for them. The scarier it is, the worse the effects can be. Unprovoked attacks from dogs are no exception. The type of harm dogs can impose on young bodies is extremely serious and can be deadly.

If this has happened to you or a loved one, you should consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer to establish your legal rights. There are laws to protect and prevent such attacks and if a dog owner has flouted these rules, you may be due compensation for the pain and suffering you have endured.

Laws to Protect Against Dog Bites

The laws to protect residents of Illinois and to make a dog owner liable for the injuries caused in an unprovoked attack on someone essentially going their own business in an area where they are lawfully allowed to be. Unfortunately, many factors can contribute to the reason a dog may attack, usually fear from a threat, neglect or even aggressive training techniques can breed an angry and antisocial pet.

The injuries sustained by victims can be horrendous. Facial mauling is common as are deep tissue wounds, severed extremities, and even blindness. The persistent fear of dogs in the future or being in the outdoors and feeling exposed and vulnerable to another attack can become a deep-rooted and long-term psychological impact. There is also the associated pain and suffering in addition to the physical harm.

In many instances, the opposing legal counsel and insurance companies can be quick to offer a settlement—one that is usually lower than if you proceed with legal representation. Proceed with caution and consult with a personal injury attorney.

Legal Resolution

In a time of crisis, legal advice is crucial. The procedural requirements and the layers of the law can be complicated. This is where legal advice from an experienced DuPage County personal injury attorney is key. Having experienced legal representation, compassionate to your needs, will enable you to pursue a sufficiently prepared case, which may lead to a significantly higher settlement than had you attempted on your own. Based in DuPage County, Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can assist you with your dog bite injury case.





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